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CognAC Board 2023-2024

The CognAC board is actively engaged with the ins and outs of the study association. This means that they support the committees with the organisation of activities, approach businesses for guidance in your prospective career, and maintain contact with the academic programme, among other things. Because CognAC is a small association, the board aims for personal involvement with its members.

The CognAC board has six positions: chair, secretary, treasurer, external officer, internal officer, and educational officer. The chair is charged with ensuring that meetings are properly conducted and keeps track of everything in the association. The secretary is responsible for correspondence with the programme and other associations, for taking the minutes during meetings, staying informed of the legal matters related to the association and for acting as the primary contact person. The treasurer keeps busy creating a budget, managing the finances, and doing the bookkeeping. In turn, the chief of external affairs is responsible for arranging sponsor contracts and visits to businesses, and keeps the board up to date on the happenings in both umbrella and sister associations. The chief of internal affairs is concerned with the support of CognAC committees and organises consultations with the chairs. Finally, the chief of education is responsible for anything study related, including but not limited to contact with the programme and degree programme committee, guiding the study, parent's day and symposium committees.

Chair of board 2023-2024
Jasper Schuddeboom
Chair of the 33rd board of CognAC


Hi all!

I am Jasper Schuddeboom (he/him), and I am the Chair of the XXXIII board of CognAC. I am 22 years old, and originally I am from a small town called Lienden. Since starting my bachelor's two years ago, I moved to Nijmegen and I have been living on my own for about a year and some change now.

When I was looking for a bachelor’s programme I did not expect to end up at Radboud. But with the glowing reviews from my best friend from high school and an open day, I was dead set on starting the AI programme here. Even despite my initial scepticism. The great people at CognAC really ended up cementing my choice, and so in my first year I joined the 1C and the DAtA. Having very active mentors, and getting to know some of the XXXI board members, led me to decide by the end of that year that I wanted to apply for the board in my second year, and so I took over chairing the DAtA, joined the SymCo, and later the TraC to gather more experience. In this relatively small amount of time CognAC has become a pretty big part of my life. I met many fun people here, and made many memories. I am grateful I get to help perpetuate this association.

When I am not working on board meetings or committees, I have a lot of hobbies I like to alternate between. I enjoy playing the piano or drawing, though the latter is mostly practised by spending entirely too much time on posters these days. Of course I am no stranger to bingeing a good story-focused game or a series, or I might dust off my longboard from time to time.

My "job" is to lead the board and the GMMs. Which makes me sound super busy and important, but in reality I love to chat with people stopping by the board room, and I am always happy to answer any questions. You can also contact me at chair@svcognac.nl with questions and ideas!

Secretary of board 2023-2024
Viktor Lukanovski
Secretary of the 33rd board of CognAC


What's up?

My name is Viktor Lukanovski (he/him) and I am a second year AI Bachelor student. I’m currently 19 years of age and grew up in Eindhoven, originally hailing from Macedonia. Furthermore, I have been living in Nijmegen for about half a year now. Above all, I am elated to be CognAC's Secretary for this academic year.

I became a member of CognAC during my orientation week, and have been active in the 1C, DAtA and AlmanaC. Being an active member and contributing to the association was something that brought me a ton of satisfaction, so applying for a board year seemed like the next obvious step. I was not disappointed hahaha.

In the free time that I manage to set aside for myself (mainly through shameless procrastination), I enjoy the usual stuff such as hanging with friends, watching NBA highlights, visiting my parents and brother back in Eindhoven or maintaining my addiction to music. Additionally, I like to play Waterpolo at my local club when I have the time. I used to do it competitively in the distant past, sadly, there is not much time left for that anymore.

As your Secretary, I'll be the one reading and answering all of your emails, ordering the merchandise and making sure the board- and general member meetings are minuted. Moreover, I will be the one making sure the Instagram is being kept up, giving you a glimpse into my daily life in the Weekly Mail, and spending a considerable amount of time carefully curating top-tier memes for your enjoyment. You will pretty much always be able to find me in the board room or TK; don't hesitate to look me up for a chat or to see a picture of my cat. A guaranteed way to get my attention? Write an email to secretary@svcognac.nl, don’t be shy!

Treasurer of board 2023-2024
Johan Kremer
Treasurer of the 33rd board of CognAC


Hi Everyone!

I am Johan Kremer (he/him) and I'm twenty years old. I’m originally from Utrecht. But I have been living in Nijmegen for roughly the past two years. I started studying AI 3 years ago, and have kept myself busy with both this and a lot of other things. I plan to finish it within 4-5 years but knowing myself I might get sidetracked with doing other fun stuff like being the treasurer in the XXXIII board of CognAC.

Ever since I started my studies, I have been active within CognAC. First with the 1C and that was such a success that I joined the AC, SymCo, WkC, WebC, and the FamCo in my second year. After enjoying the committee work so much, and being welcomed into the amazing community of CognAC. I still felt like doing more and being on the board would be a good opportunity for this. So I applied for the XXXIII board and became the treasurer of the XXXIII board.

I already had a lot of interest in finances, and have always thought about starting a small business of my own, so what better way to prepare for this than maintaining the finances for CognAC, and getting to learn from my predecessor how to do this. With the extra bonus of learning a lot about legal documents by joining the StaCo.

If I am not too busy with board, studies, or chilling in the boardroom. You can usually find me playing some type of sport, exercising, or completely studying another subject e.g. neuropsychology or real estate.

If you have any questions concerning financial matters, or have a random topic that you want you can usually find me in the boardroom in the afternoons or you can send an email to treasurer@svcognac.nl

Chief of External Affairs of board 2023-2024
Jasper van Roessel
Chief of External Affairs of the 33rd board of CognAC

Chief of External Affairs


My name is Jasper van Roessel (he/him), I am 21 years old, and I am a third year AI Bachelor student. I am from the most wonderful magic place of the Netherlands: LIMBURGGG, from a town called Horst, but I have now been living in this other magical place called Nijmegen for almost three years now.

My CognAC journey started at the very beginning of time, the orientation week, and after having so much fun and seeing the enthusiasm of my intro parents about CognAC, I instantly joined the 1C. This orientation week still remains to be my favourite CognAC experience to this day. But that does not mean it went all downhill from there, in fact the opposite. Not long after the 1C, I became very active within the association, joining the DAtA and the XC, and during my second year I decided I could use even more experience and did not have enough of CognAC yet, so I poured myself a shot of an application for a board year.

When I’m not busy emailing, making calls, or studying, I like to hang out with friends, watch movies, tinker with electronics and do sports like running and fitness. I also love to make music with singing, improvising with my piano, and I recently started an attempt to learn the guitar (for real, what even is an F chord).

As Chief of External Affairs I am mainly responsible for acquiring money for the association via sponsoring and managing external collaborations like discounted food deals or locations for our activities. If you have any ideas for a collaboration, have any questions, or want to send me something that could make me chuckle, feel free to contact me at extern@svcognac.nl!

Chief of Internal Affairs of board 2023-2024
Paul Tiemeijer
Chief of Internal Affairs of the 33rd board of CognAC

Chief of Internal Affairs

Hello world,

My name is Paul Tiemeijer (he/him) and I will be your Chief of Internal Affairs (CIA) for this year. I am in the second year of a double Master in Artificial Intelligence and Software Science. I was originally developed in Eindhoven (the craziest) but I have since migrated to Nijmegen for better cache locality.

I have been active within CognAC since I joined the Website Committee in early 2020, this was one of the most active committees during the situation. Later I also joined the AlmanaC and InC and, I am currently also an advisory member to the 1C and the SweC. After chairing the WebC for two years and working on the website behind the scenes for two more, I devised a scheme to sneak myself onto the website; you can verify the success of this sneakery for yourself here: --->

When I am not boarding, studying or teaching assisting, I enjoy reading, playing the piano and writing programs in languages that don't exist.

As Chief of Internal Affairs I am here to help you with all things related to our committees and the organisation of our activities. So if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at intern@svcognac.nl or intercept me in the boardroom.

Chief of Education of board 2023-2024
Piotr Sutkowski
Chief of Education of the 33rd board of CognAC

Chief of Education

Hey everyone,

My name is Piotr Sutkowski, and I am twenty-one years old. I am currently 3rd year AI bachelor student. I was born in Poland and lived most of my life in Warsaw (capital city) till I moved here (Nijmegen). This year, I’ll be the Chief of Education for the 33rd board of CognAC.

In my first year, I was not a part of any committees and skipped out on most activities (blame it on the time crunch). Funny thing, I didn't even know what a board was or that it existed. But hey, second year rolls around, and I'm like, "Why not?" So, I jumped into CognAC. Checked out the Committee market, found cool stuff like the Study Committee and Orientation Committee, and now I'm part of the them.

In my free time I usually hang out with friends, play football or read books. Also I am always down for a cup of coffee and nice chat. However, sometimes I might not be available at the weekends since I love to travel.

As Chief of Education, I will be the main contact person with the faculty for CognAC and deal with the educational side of CognAC. Among others my tasks include managing the tutor network, advising the DPC and guiding the more educationally oriented committees. If you want to contact me you can do this via mail: education@svcognac.nl or phone (if you have my phone number 🙂 )

All pictures taken by Arne - @manual.override

Previous Boards

Academic year 2022-2023

Read more about the 32st board click here.

Academic year 2021-2022

Read more about the 31st board click here.

Academic year 2020-2021

Read more about the 30th board click here.

Academic year 2019-2020

Read more about the 29th board click here.

Academic year 2018-2019

Read more about the 28th board click here.

Academic year 2017-2018

Read more about the 27th board click here.

Academic year 2016-2017

Academic year 2015-2016

Academic year 2014-2015

Academic year 2013-2014

Academic year 2012-2013

Academic year 2011-2012

Academic year 2010-2011

Academic year 2009-2010


Contact secretary@svcognac.nl if you want to receive minutes of the weekly board meeting.