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CognAC Board 2023-2024

The CognAC board is actively engaged with the ins and outs of the study association. This means that they support the committees with the organisation of activities, approach businesses for guidance in your prospective career, and maintain contact with the academic programme, among other things. Because CognAC is a small association, the board aims for personal involvement with its members.

The CognAC board has six positions: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief of External Affairs, Chief of Internal Affairs and Chief of Education. The chair is charged with ensuring that meetings are properly conducted and keeps track of everything in the association. The secretary is responsible for correspondence with the programme and other associations, for taking the minutes during meetings, staying informed of the legal matters related to the association and for acting as the primary contact person. The treasurer keeps busy creating a budget, managing the finances, and doing the bookkeeping. In turn, the chief of external affairs is responsible for arranging sponsor contracts and visits to businesses, and keeps the board up to date on the happenings in both umbrella and sister associations. The chief of internal affairs is concerned with the support of CognAC committees and organises consultations with the chairs. Finally, the chief of education is responsible for anything study related, including but not limited to contact with the programme and degree programme committee, guiding the study, parent's day and symposium committees.

Chair of board 2024-2025
Aleksandra Świątkowska
Chair of the 34th board of CognAC


Hi there!

I’m Aleksandra (she/her) and I’m a third year AI student. I grew up in Warsaw, Poland and I moved to Nimma for my studies. At least that was the plan. As it turned out, the side quests you can do next to your studies, like all things CognAC, are much more fun, so the studies keep running somewhere in the background. In my free time, I enjoy baking, sailing, dancing and singing. Depending on the day, I’ll either choose a big, loud party, a chill board game night or say no to both, you never know. My room looks like a little jungle with all the plants I have and there is a non-zero chance the same will happen to the bk (unless someone tries to stop me).

Many, many months ago, at my introweek, I was confused about what this whole association thing was. Fast forward two years, I’m honoured to call myself the chair of CognAC. My CognAC adventure started with the First Years Committee, which I ended up chairing, and the International Committee (RIP). Then one day I got swallowed into the OrC, and on another day I started the EncrypC with my friends (fun fact: most of them are a part of this board). Safe to say, I really like to keep myself busy. I’m ready for the next episode of CognAC adventures: the board year. I’m looking forward to the things we have planned for this year and I hope so are you!

As the chair of CognAC, I’ll be making sure that we work well together as a team and that we deliver all the promises that we made so far. I’ll support my fellow board members and make sure we all have space to develop in our roles. You’ll be able to catch me at chair@svcognac.nl. And when you see me in the boardroom, stop by for a chat and a coffee!

Secretary of board 2024-2025
Thijs van Schaik
Secretary of the 34th board of CognAC


Good morning everyone,

My name is Thijs van Schaik (he/him) and I am currently twenty years old. This year I will be the secretary of CognAC (hype). For most people this will mean that you will see me yapping in the weekly mail every Sunday. Or if you ever send an email to secretary@svcognac.nl I'll be the one replying so don't be shy. I am from the hellscape of the randstad, Leiden to be precise, but this will be my third year living in Nijmegen. I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it (except for the week I was living in a tent before I got my room here in the first year)

I started (as so many others) my CognAC journey in the 1C directly after the first committee market. This was so much fun we decided to keep it going after the first year and set up an entire committee (ty Aleksandra). With the new EncrypC I decided to add some other committees to my roster in the second year and joined SymCo and the WebC. I liked committee work a lot and the only logical next step to do more for CognAC was to sign up for a board year... And here we are now!

In my free time I like to keep myself entertained with youtube videos, series or hanging out with friends. I also sometimes pursue random creative endeavors or coding projects (and doing them in a very unconventional way).

This year you can find me at most CognAC activities, the TK, the BK or in a computer science course. Don't be afraid to ask questions, drop by for a chat or send in suggestions.

See you this year and goodluck with you know, studying.

Treasurer of board 2024-2025
Tobias Vink
Treasurer of the 34th board of CognAC


Hey Hey!

My name is Tobias Vink (he/him) but most people call me Tobi (because some people butcher the name Tobias). I’m 21 years old right now and I am a third year bachelor student. I originally come from Eindhoven, those who know the place Woensel-West specifically, but for the past one and a half years I’ve lived in Nijmegen.

I started off my studies by joining the intro week after which I immediately knew I wanted to join CognAC. I joined the 1C where I got to meet one of my best friends (see the guy above me). After the 1C I joined EncrypC and the TraC where my love for CognAC only grew. For me CognAC has mainly been a tool to meet new people and learn how to plan. I hope new students can have the same experiences as I did. That's why I became Treasurer of the XXXIVth Board of CognAC.

When I am not on uni I can be found doing numerous things. I love watching horror movies alone but also with my friends. I enjoy watching and taking care of my ants. Furthermore I sometimes like to play the piano or watch anime. When I need to relax I go back to my family and cat in Eindhoven.

If you ever have the need or just want to contact me you can email at treasurer@svcognac.nl. Or find me in the boardroom where we can play a game and chat. My final two words for you are Hakuna Matata.

Chief of External Affairs of board 2024-2025
Emiel Villerius
Chief of External Affairs of the 34th board of CognAC

Chief of External Affairs

Faka strijders,

I am Emiel Villerius (he/him). 20 years old, third year Bachelor. Originating from Rotterdam I have fled to the other side of the country to end up as CognAC's Chief of External affairs.

After my own introweek I immediately applied for the WebC before it was technically possible. After that I joined the XC and the StaCo (and left the WebC :-(). I have also been active in the Degree Program Committee since I am a big fan of knowing inside information. Being in the XC excited me about the position of External Affairs, since then I have enjoyed being in the association so much that I decided I wanted to try for a board year (as External Affairs then of course).

I am a big fan of racing, gaming and combining them. My favorite beer is Pilsner Urquell, and my favorite food is Bulgarian. Although I like this study, my interest lies in cybersecurity and that is why I am following a bunch of CompSci courses so I don't have to do a pre-master to get into the Cybersecurity master program.

This year will be a lot of talking to companies for me. And I hope to trick some of them into giving us money. If you think of a company that might want to do this, or just want to talk to me, I am reachable at extern@svcognac.nl. Whatever happens, I am just happy to be here.

Chief of Internal Affairs of board 2024-2025
Immo Hoogerwerf
Chief of Internal Affairs of the 34th board of CognAC

Chief of Internal Affairs

Hi there!

My name is Immo Hoogerwerf (he/him) and I am the Chief of Internal Affairs (CIA*) of the XXXIV board of CognAC! I am a third year student of the Bachelor this year, though you may not see me much in the lecture halls in the coming year as I will be busy being CIA, and I can't wait! I am 20 years old and am originally from Dieren. The past two years I've been lucky enough to have a room here in Nijmegen and I moved in together with my partner in the past year (living together is dope). I enjoy bouldering (climbing) and playing the piano (shoutout to my grandma for giving me one to put in my student room).

In my first two years I've been active in the DAtA and FC (RIP). CognAC has been such an amazing community of people to me that I am happy to contribute to it. From the orientation week on I've enjoyed CognACs activities to the fullest and have enjoyed committee work very much as well.

As the Chief of Internal Affairs, I deal with anything committee or activity related. I am happy to help you and tell you more about the inner workings of CognAC's great activities. I'm all aboard to be on the board this year; feel free to shoot me a text or email intern@svcognac.nl with questions or about anything, really. I will also be in the boardroom often, so come have a chat in your break!

* Official abbreviation for Chief of Internal Affairs according to Trust Me Bro

Chief of Education of board 2024-2025
Emilia Pedryc
Chief of Education of the 34th board of CognAC

Chief of Education

Hi everyone!

My name is Emilia Pedryc (she/her). I am 20 years old and I’m in my third year of AI bachelor. I'm from Kraków, Poland, and I’ve lived there my whole life up until I moved here to study. This year, I will be the Chief of Education of the XXXIV board.

I joined CognAC during my intro week, but I didn't become an active member until my friends and I created our own committee - EncrypC. Then, in my second year, I decided I wanted to be more involved in the association. I became the chair of EncrypC and after the Committee Market I joined SC and SymCo.

In my free time I like to pick up different art projects (I think I got every embroidery, diamond painting, macramé, etc project Kruidvat and Action have to offer). I also like reading books (if you have any recommendations, please text me, I’m in a reading slump), watching tv shows, pilates, and trying new kinds of tees.

As Chief of Education, I am responsible for all study-related aspects of our associations. This means that I am the contact person with the faculty, I manage the tutoring network and advise the DPC. I'm also involved in more educationally oriented committees. If you have any questions or want to contact me you can text or email me at education@svcognac.nl.

Previous Boards

Academic year 2023-2024

Read more about the 33rd board click here.

Academic year 2022-2023

Read more about the 32st board click here.

Academic year 2021-2022

Read more about the 31st board click here.

Academic year 2020-2021

Read more about the 30th board click here.

Academic year 2019-2020

Read more about the 29th board click here.

Academic year 2018-2019

Read more about the 28th board click here.

Academic year 2017-2018

Read more about the 27th board click here.

Academic year 2016-2017

Academic year 2015-2016

Academic year 2014-2015

Academic year 2013-2014

Academic year 2012-2013

Academic year 2011-2012

Academic year 2010-2011

Academic year 2009-2010


Contact secretary@svcognac.nl if you want to receive minutes of the weekly board meeting.