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Image of CognAC activity League of Legends tournament

Our beloved association was founded in 1990 as 'Cognitiewetenschappen Activiteiten Commissie' or 'CognAC' in short! The founders of CognAC had two goals in mind: improve the contact between Cognitive Sciences students and protect the student interests.

Around 2002/2003 Cognitive Sciences was overhauled and became AI. While focus of the study shifted, but the focus and the name of CognAC remained the same. In the academic year of 2016/2017 our programme became English and so did we.

We welcome students from all around the world to join our association, and we want all our students to feel at home here in Nijmegen. Throughout the years CognAC grew to become much more than it was initially established for.


Our association aims to have a large variety of activities. On one hand, we offer relatively smaller activities such as social drinks, discussion evenings and workshops for courses. On the other hand, we also organize large activities, for example our study trip, our symposium and our League of Legends tournament. This is however only the tip of the iceberg and we offer much more for all our members to enjoy!

Image of CognAC activity sports

The board & committees

Of course, our association does not run by itself. For this we have our board and our committees, all filled up by enthusiastic members of our association that want to contribute to CognAC.

At the top of our association is our board. Every year a new board is formed of 6 members from our association that very actively want to contribute to the association.

Nearly all our activities are organized by our committees. We have a wide variety of them: from the Activities Committee that organizes social activities to the Study Committee that organizes study related activities to the Travel Committee that organizes our bi-yearly study trip. If you are curious you can take a look at our committees page to see what CognAC has to offer.