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Internship Deep Learning / Computer Vision on Medical imaging



Type: Internship

Where: Thirona


Email: hello@thirona.eu

Internship Deep Learning / Computer Vision on Medical imaging

We welcome talented MSc students with a strong technical background and an affinity to improve health care. You would be responsible for advancing part of our research endeavors during a research internship of 4-6 months, thereby directly improving our products.

We currently have the following internship topics, and are happy to send you a more detailed overview upon request:

  • Explainable AI.
  • Deep Metric Learning.
  • Transformers for Computer Vision.
  • Knowledge Distillation.
  • Geometric Deep Learning.

In this role you will focus on:

  • Advancing part of our research endeavors.
  • Research, experiment, implement and evaluate your proposed solution.

Profile & Competencies:

  • You are currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Mathematics, or similar (European university).
  • You have experience/interest in deep learning/machine learning, preferably in medical imaging. Experience with TensorFlow/PyTorch is considered a plus.
  • You have a strong knowledge of scientific programming with Python.
  • You are fluent in English.
  • You can work accurately and independently (however, we provide a dedicated supervisor).
  • You are eager to learn and have a results-oriented attitude.

Practical information:

Thirona will provide the following compensation:

  • A dynamic, innovative work environment in a talented and ambitious team. With colleagues from many different nationalities and a collaborative atmosphere, we promote continuous learning and sharing knowledge on a day-to-day basis.
  • A unique opportunity where you can see your research come to life in actual products.
  • An internship reimbursement of €450, per month on a full-time basis.
  • A fast performance laptop and access to our GPU cluster.


Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Thirona's mission:

Thirona is a fast-growing global company specializing in the field of AI assisted medical image analysis. Since its inception in 2014, Thirona has established itself as a highly innovative company offering services and partnerships from early drug and treatment development through clinical implementation. With proven technology validated by more than 180 scientific publications, Thirona has analyzed nearly 10 million images, transforming the company from a science-based startup to a leader in advanced lung CT image analysis.

We work with pharmaceutical and med-tech companies, helping them to advance drug and treatment development, as well as implement innovations in precision medicine in clinical care. Through our integration partners, Thirona’s AI software is also being used by medical specialists in hospitals and health care providers across the globe. With almost 20 different nationalities and variation of backgrounds, we form a naturally diverse team. We seek talent, but never at the cost of personality.


Please send your resume and a short motivation with project preferences to hello@thirona.eu before 1st Jan 2023. We expect the interns to start in Feb / March 2023. Thirona can only hire interns with working rights in the Netherlands.