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AI in Education Internships

Nationaal Onderwijs Lab AI


Type: Internship

Where: Nationaal Onderwijs Lab AI


Website: https://www.ru.nl/nolai

Email: nolai@ru.nl

In the National Education Lab AI (Nationaal Onderwijs Lab AI / NOLAI), schools, scientists and companies work closely together to create digital education innovations that make use of AI. NOLAI will make use of resources of the Groeifonds for the coming 10 years, to create and research project prototypes in co-creation together with the field of education.

The demand from education is central in these co-creation processes. By doing so, the opportunities offered by intelligent technologies are used and the risks are made visible and turned into solutions.

And they often need AI students to help them out in their projects! So if you are looking for an interesting internship, it would be in your benefit to contact them and see what is possible.