CognAC Movie 2020/2021 featuring... YOU!
Fri, 16 Apr 2021
written by Yael Raz
Hey, how have you been? No, seriously, how was your year? This year it is difficult for the PaparaC to film the yearly CognAC movie, so we definitely need your help! CognAC is nothing without its lovely members and thus we want to involve all of you. For the first time in CognAC history, there are no sweat-breaking, insanely physical and just terrifying singing, acting and dancing auditions for the movie. Everyone can participate!
This year we want to recap the last year (the academic year of course, who counts years is in calendar years anyways) through the eyes of our members. So, what have you been up to? What has made you laugh in the last year? What did you absolutely hate doing? What new things did you discover? We want to know it all. Well, maybe not all… but feel free to share.
All the material that you submit will be put together in a pretty, possibly funny, compilation resembling Snapchat’s yearly recap video. But no worries, we won’t put any Snapchat filters on your beautiful faces (and that dog face filter is so 2012). You can either send in a picture or a video, but the video has to be filmed (preferably) horizontally and can be 5 seconds at max.
You can send in multiple submission and you are of course allowed to be in all of your friends’ submissions as well. Be as creative as you want, I mean life is a party where you have to put up the decorations yourself, right.
We are waiting on your submissions via In case of any questions or need for some inspiration, feel free to contact any of the PaparaC members!